

What Do You Think? Is Beyonce In The Illuminati?

is beyonce in the illuminati

Beyonce.  Illuminati.  What do these two words have in common?  Apparently a lot lately as speculation has been building phenomenally over the last few years about her royal highness Beyonce, and the Illuminati.  Accusations are coming from all angles and even the media has picked up on the speculation about Beyonce and her husband, Jay-Z's involvement with the clandestine organization that allegedly runs the world.

At first these allegations started out as the chatter of internet conspiracy theorists but the questions have snowballed into the mainstream media and now has become common talk amongst people who four years ago never even heard of the Illuminati.  It doesn't help that every time Beyonce makes a video she appears to have numerous occult symbols for the conspiracy theorists to feed off of.

Her songs are broken down lyric by lyric and examined for the hidden meanings.  There are sites and videos all over the internet that have frame by frame breakdowns of Beyonce's Illuminati symbols in her songs.  Some people claim to have "exposed" or "decoded" the meaning behind Beyonce and Jay-Z naming their baby Blue Ivy (more on that later).

beyonce and the illuminati

Everywhere you turn now references are being made to Beyonce and the Illuminati.  Even the tabloids have taken to asking the question is Beyonce in the Illuminati.  For every hand position or symbol made by Beyonce, Illuminati connections are implicated.  The clothing and earrings Beyonce wears also serve as proof that Beyonce is in the Illuminati.

You can't fault people for making these assumptions though.  Beyonce is using a lot of occult symbols in her music videos.  The question is, are these decisions being made by her or the people who direct the videos?  To answer this question and get down to the truth about Beyonce and the Illuminati lets discuss briefly who the Illuminati are.

Beyonce and the Illuminati.  What's the Connection?

The majority of people who are online searching for info about Beyonce and the Illuminati are not completely well-informed as to who or what the “Illuminati” actually is.  This is because many of the outlets and people disseminating information about the “Illuminati” are only giving out bits and pieces of information that fit into their own agendas.  Most of the information “exposing” people as a part of the Illuminati is coming from a Christian point of view that attacks anything perceived as non-Christian by calling it Satan worshipping.
For example if Beyonce has on a shirt that says “I love ancient Egypt” the assumption is of course that Beyonce is Illuminati and she worships the devil.  Or Beyonce is an Illuminati puppet being used to help control everyone’s mind.
In order to come close to an understanding on this topic Is Beyonce Illuminati we have to attempt to understand what the actual term “Illuminati” refers to.  Who are the Illuminati and why should you care?  Is the Illuminati in the industry.   Is the illuminati in the music industry using pop stars as puppets to control people?

beyonce illuminati
Beyonce bringing in the New World Order
According to Wikipedia, illuminati, the plural of illuminatus (meaning enlightened) was a name given to several groups.  The original was started in Europe in 1776 by Adam Weishaupt, a Bavarian.  The orders were set up in the same manner as freemasonry and included numerous well-known members who were diplomats and aristocrats.  Initiates pledged a vow of secrecy.  The real aim of the Illuminati was to form the intellectual and political elite of society.  Many of the Illuminati plans and structure became publicly known because several publications by the groups were seized and released do to political unrest and infighting within the group.
Rulers in Europe tried to break up and ban the Illuminati however many masonic origins today still bear the title illuminati in their name and claim to be the modern heir to the original Bavarian Illuminati.  This is why it’s not exactly a “conspiracy” to assume that the Illuminati still exist.

Modern conspiracy theory places responsibility on the Illuminati for many occurences such as JFK’s assassination, international war, population control, the French Revolution, and pretty much anything else you can think of.  This is all a part of the ploy for a New World Order.  They also believe that Hollywood has been infiltrated and that symbols and subliminal messages in the film industry are being used to control the masses.
Guys like David Icke, Texe Mars, and Alex Jones have been talking about this for years however things started getting more unusual a few years ago as they all started to talk about the Illuminati in the industry, in particular the Illuminati in the music industry.  What’s even stranger is the fact that they have been concentrated on pop music in general with a focus on rap and black R&B artists.

Modern conspiracy theory claims that the term “Illuminati” is used for an elite society which supposedly became systematized in order to plot worldwide major events and control world governments and corporations from behind the scenes in order to bring in to power a New World Order.

Have the Beyonce Illuminati Rumors Gone Too Far?

is beyonce in the illuminati blue ivy
People are breaking down the name of Beyonce and Jay-Z's baby as further proof of their Illuminati connections.  Look at the picture to see what I'm talking about.  Allegedly the name "Blue Ivy" is code word for Born Living Under Evil, Illuminati's Very Youngest.  A bit of a stretch if you ask me but it's possible.  There's a big controversy as to whether or not Beyonce was actually pregnant as well.  You could see it as Illuminati games being played out but I would remind you of the old saying in Hollywood, "There's No Such Thing As Bad Publicity."  You know what that means right?  As long as people are talking about you that means you are relevant.

A good question that we all should ask ourselves is do we really believe that an elite group that is in “control” of the world needs to employ someone such as Beyonce to manipulate people through her music?  I’m not counting out the possibility because anything is possible but I don’t honestly believe Beyonce is Illuminati.  I’m not even saying there is no influence of the Illuminati in the industry but I think ultimately we have bigger fish to fry.

If someone is really worried about this alleged group that controls the world then why start with Beyonce and the Illuminati?  Why not aim higher up the food chain or higher up the power scale?  Does Beyonce control the food supply, make laws, or anything else on this grand of a scale that really affects anyone’s lives?  Of course the answer to that question is no.

beyonce illuminati
Some "genious" was actually trying to make the connection that Beyonce is Illuminati because she wore this on her trip to Egypt.  LOL.  Come on!  Since when was Egypt evil?

Anytime Beyonce does Something not Perceived as "Christian" or Something Outside of the Norm, in Other Words, Something Occult Everyone Assumes Beyonce is in the Illuminati.

 Just because we don't understand something that does not automatically make it evil.  It is easy for people to present something that is unknown to us as evil though. This is because we all have our own prejudices based on our upbringing and what we have been exposed to.
is beyonce illuminati roc sign 
A lot of people think Beyonce is Illuminati because they see pictures of her with symbols such as the pyramid, the “all seeing eye”, also known as the “eye of Horus”, and also the “roc” sign she makes with her hand that stands for her husband Jay-Z’s record label (symbol of a diamond or pyramid depending on who you ask).  You will find tons of websites and videos online telling you that these are the symbols of the Illuminati which leads to further accusations by fans about Beyonce in the Illuminati.

A very important fact that most people do not understand is that many of these symbols are from ancient Egypt.  These symbols are not evil.  Just because someone is into ancient Egyptian culture it does not automatically imply that they worship the devil.  To assume so is coming from a restricted (usually Christian) point of view that demonizes whatever does not fit easily within its social construct.
Another good example of this is Madonna.  She is into studying Kaballah, which is the mysticism, or hidden meaning behind Judaism.  It is not evil!  In actuality Kaballah is the esoteric form of Judaism and is high spirituality.  It’s like when someone wants to graduate from mainstream religion and find out the real pathway to their creator.  For example, Christianity has an esoteric form called gnostism.  In Islam it is called Sufism.

Now back to ancient Egyptian culture.  Ancient Egyptian spiriituality was actually based off of principles of love, truth, and universal law.  It’s perfectly natural for someone like Jay-Z, Kanye West, or Beyonce to gravitate towards ancient Egyptian culture as they may be seeking their African roots.  This is not unique or exceptional as many African Americans seeking their African history look to the magnificence of ancient Egypt with pride.

Taking this into context, you can’t look down on Kanye West for example for wearing a chain with Horus.  (If you do some research you will find out that Horus was an ancient form of Jesus who predated Jesus by thousands of years.  There are over a dozen recorded Christ figures throughout history).

Another thing that has everyone asking "is Beyonce Illuminati" is all of the occult symbols used in her videos and her husband’s clothing line called Rocawear.  Honestly I don’t see any problem with Beyonce being into the occult.  That does not automatically qualify Beyonce for the Illuminati.  According to Wikipedia, the word occult comes from the Latin word occultus which refers to "knowledge of the hidden".

There is not anything immoral or wrong with yearning to increase your understanding over knowledge that is hidden.  Without getting to deep into this subject the study of Kaballah, Jewish mysticism or any other spiritual system for that matter does not certify someone as evil or a devil worshiper.  It actually shows that maybe the person in question is beginning to throw off the shackles of the belief system they were born into and beginning to seek a deeper spiritual understanding of the universe.
Most people do not understand what the occult is so they in turn automatically assume that anything "occult" is associated with evil.  In this line of thinking Beyonce is Illuminati and seen as evil because the person viewing the occult symbols she shows off does not understand them.  Most of the videos and websites "exposing" (I use that term VERY lightly) Beyonce and the Illuminati are coming from a very close-minded, very Christian, fear-mongering point of view.

These videos and sites use overly one-dimensional generalizations such as "Beyonce is using the eye of Horus so she's evil!"  "See the head of baphomet on her shirt, Beyonce is an Illuminati puppet!"  These are blatantly unenlightened and simple-minded observations that are used to make the case that Beyonce is Illuminati because she is doing stuff that you don't recognize from church.

To wrap this up I would have to say that I do not believe Beyonce is Illumaniti, Illuminati puppet, or a devil worshipper.  I think Beyonce and Jay-Z are capitalizing off of the extra attention and who could blame them.  Stars need to stay in the spotlight.  As big time music artists they also need to keep an edge to their image.  What's more "bad boy" or "bad girl" than being in the Big Bad Illuminati.  Secret world leaders.

It's hilarious and they are laughing all the way to the bank.  These two are living the life and relaxing on a yacht or island somewhere while the rest of the world is wondering if Beyonce is in the Illuminati.

is beyonce in the illuminati


  1. not sure i agree with the writer of this. a few of things...1, the best way to hide something is in plane sight. 2, you said why would the so called "elite" want to use someone like beyonce as a puppet when shes such a small fish and has no real power over anything? i beg to differ, the best way to control a group of people is subliminally. You build their allegiance to you not by a forceful hand but thru icons and figures that they trust. you build a connection to them thru people and objects that they have grown to trust and build an affection for, i.e. Beyonce. She has a great following and has becoming into the homes andf hearts of the world for over a decade. if she tells pop culture to dress a certain way then at least 75% of those followers will do it. case in point, if you remember in 98 when Jayz dropped Hard knocks life, he played with a yo yo in the video and shortly after America went on a yo yo craze for the next 2 yrs. if that's not power, if that's not subliminal mind control then i don't know what is. if I'm an "elitist" and i want to control the greater population who listens to hip hop/black r&b without coming across as a tyrant and creating a revolt against me then the coarse of action is simple, i control the people who control the culture. i control the jayz's, the lil Wayne's, the beyonce's and the rhianna's. its that simple. Im not saying i believe any of this but what im am saying is that there is tons of merit and reasons to believe it. my grands taught me this 1 thing that hasn't failed me yet, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, its because its a duck! 3rd, black or African American history is not rooted in ancient Egypt. i know a lot of people believe this, especially African Americans (go figure) but the reality is its simply not the truth. Most believe this because they are searching for something to belong to do to the lost of ancestry brought on thru slavery so they gravitate to whats seems to be or is told to be accurate but they should research a little more. Yet still, all that's a whole other post that i wont get into right now lol. 4th, in all that you posted it seems to me that your focus isn't even really about probing the idea of it being true or false but more so about discrediting Christians in what you seem to believe is their belief that anything "non Christ" is evil. maybe I'm wrong but i feel like this letter is more of a "Christians don't know what they are talking about" address rather than about beyonce and the Illuminati. #imjustsayin

    1. Ishmael I absolutely love your response....very well articulated!

  2. Peace, this post isn't taking aim at Christians, just the fact that most people who are "exposing" the artists in the "illuminati" over simplify everything. They tend to refer to all occult symbols and Egyptian symbols as devil worshiping.

    Whatever you are focus your thoughts on is what you receive more of in your life. This isn't aimed at you but anyone reading this post. If you give something or someone power over you then you will continue to be under that entity. Plain and simple.

    We are living in a time where everything that was hidden will be other words hidden in plain sight. Monumental secrets that have held people in bondage for millenniums can and will be revealed.

    You are on point. Beyonce and other superstars are conduits to get messages out to the people on a mass level. The thing is the times are changing for the better. If all the occult stuff is being revealed then it is no longer "occult" because occult refers to that which is hidden.

    Ultimately all this stuff is changing for the better. Just think, if the Illuminati had to put a black man in office as the president of the USA named Barrack Obama to try to pull off some type of stunt ultimately it is working to our benefit because the whole perception of power just shifted and will continue to shift as more black people and other races around the world realize that no matter what race, religion, or class level they are at they can and will be the rulers of the world.

    Who cares what the illuminati is doing? They need us.

  3. If beyonce in up in the illuminti i am not going to be a fan i am not going to listen to her music anymore a nd she needs prayer

  4. What is most freaky is that the date you posted is “December 31, 2013.” And I am reading this on January 21, 2013. Are you from the future?

    1. Yes I AM. I traveled back to this time to tell people to stop focusing on artists that do not have the power and finances to control the food supply, military, and other things that the REAL elitists of the world control.

  5. Hi. Readers need to beware of this writer. He cleverly asserts that Beyonce is evidently in an occul as evidenced by the sustained display of occul tic symbols but that does not mean that she is a member of illuminati. How ridiculous. So how does he know the membership of illuminati and how they maybe identiifed. Besides, he tried to pass off the occult as a harmless bunch when it's not secret that they are up there with witchcraft, spellsand magic. He may fool whoever is desperate to believe that Beyonce is the innocent young girl we used to but Beyonce herself does not care, so long as she retains her spot as the best in her trade.

    The nature of this writer's assertions about the occult, suggests that he belongs to one. Otherwise, how come he wants us to believe they are not evil.

    For your information, the likes of Jay-Z and Beyonce are being used as desensitizers to the general public and as marketing tools to the young and uninformed.

    1. The occult refers to that which is hidden. For example the real esoteric message of the Bible is hidden from the profane right in front of their eyes! You read it and think the story of Noah is about a flood when really it is playing out a psychological drama that affects all people! (for example)

      There is nothing wrong with the occult but most people fear the unknown.

  6. I see everyone point of view but anything that is NOT of God is evil . Beyonce is not a child of God ,carrying on the way she is now . Just because you get paid to take half naked pictures n shake your booty infront of millions of women n men dont make it okay . because of I was in a tight dress ,shaking my butt , I would be eye candy for every man . Do your research . Read . Listen . Celebrities have been seen in Hell by ppl who died and came back . Celebrities have admitted to illuminati . A man got saved and told the story of the secret powers n occults of Satan n illuminati . A guy at my school talks about illuminati n how he knows its real first hand and actually thinking about joining to pop off his rap 'career' . Stop trying to cover up ppl n jus cover your self . Accept Jesus as your lord and savor. Its fact that some artist sell their soul for fame n money ...

  7. The actual illuminati is a secret organization. If beyonce is illuminati she isnt doing a very good job at keeping it secret. Smh yall are buggin while b and j are laughin straight to the bank. There is a bloodline in illuminati and i happen to know that beyonce and jayz were born broke one in ny the other in tx and they both used their GOD GIVEN talent to climb the ladder of success. Stop bein crabs in a barrel ppl.

    1. U need to watch this video called "Wicked Music Industry". There are several, biut watch the one with the audio and you'll see the truth and how it was predicted in the Bible!

    2. Beyonce is one of the most influential demons in the world today and we have to be very careful that our young girls are not exposed to her! She is simlpy a low-life garbage, trash, nothing positive to offer young girls. You all need to watch "WICKED MUSIC INDUSTRY" for the truth. You'll see how she was transformed fron beyonce to sasha the demon. You should not blame her husband for this. SHE AGREED TO IT! People it's time to lift up your eyes to the sky and pray cause all these corruptions are signs that the end of time is VERY NEAR!

    3. People do not nickname it. She is not only illuminati, she is the DEVIL!!

    4. Werd up she's evil. Same with Jay-Z. And most of the music and movie industry.

    5. (clapping) thanks for using your common sense! It seems when any black person (they said the samething about Oprah and Denzel), climb up the ladder of success and gain love and respect from the world, then they are automatically apart of the illuminati, as if they could actually gain this success without God, and need help from Lucifer.

  8. I have to say, i once considered everything through "rose colored glasses" until I began (on my own accord) to see more and more symbols and such being brazenly presented on tv through various music videos outside the typical rock/hard rock/metal, etc. genre... i.e. rap/hip hop/pop. Even then I kind of ignored it and one reason I honestly believe I did was because I had already been desensitized by other forms of media. Now, before I go any further let me also say that I consider myself to be a pretty open-minded person as I have always tried to carefully mix my education with my Christian faith. I happen to be in a minority of science-minded Christians who actually believe that science has done all but disprove an infinate Creator. Therefore I hope the readers will deduce that I do not just take ANYTHING at face value and that includes rumors and fear mongering.
    All that being said, in science just as in life things so often really are hidden in plain sight and the ultimate, controlled unveiling of some secret society should be afforded no less consideration than any carefully studied experiment. All I am saying in a nutshell..... do your homework and don't just believe what anyone says and that goes for ANYONE... EVEN ME! Allow yourself to believe what the evidence brings you and don't count out that there may be things that make you uncomfortable because they are hard to believe and they seem so woefully misguided that there is no way one person let alone some huge secret society that could ever do that and get away with it. There have always been groups/organizations/boards/ and yes secret societies for as long as we have been a civilized people that have controlled many aspects of lives and the Illuminati should be no different. When you have done all this allow yourself to believe the picture that lays before you and then search for what response to it you feel is necessary. I have done this and my personal response is that I will follow the One which offers me the most comfort and tells me what to do and how to behave because He actually already wrote it all down for me in black and white. Faith in my Lord and Saviour is my , what will yours be?

    1. Very well written ....... Thanks for your comment Amy...., and I'm with u Sister. Keep your Faith in the WORD. JAH Bless!

  9. People are so foolish! If she were, why wouldn't she go out of her way to deny these claims, I mean, it is a secret society. If she is why aren't mainstream media outlets (whose owners, which can be tied to this secret society) keeping this OUT of the media? It should be a secret. She's a entertainer, she needs publicity, good or bad, any publicity is good. You people are Soo foolish, use your COMMON sense! People who are apart of these types of secret societies go through great lengths to keep it a SECRET! She's sitting back laughing at this foolishness and raking in cash off platinum hits!

  10. I'm sorry but only weak people would buy into this stuff. If you are a believer you have nothing to fear. It's funny how all of a sudden successful blacks are now being targeted as demons or evil. When white people have been doing the same thing for years. Coincidence? I think not. The same people calling them evil are probably still having sex out of wedlock, smoking weed after church, divorced without biblical cause, coveting their neighbors and so on. But yet you have the audacity to talk about the spec in someone else's eye with a log in yours. If you are a true Christian believer, then you know that our job is to make disciples of all nations, loving them with the love of Jesus Christ who came to save the lost not to gossip and judging others. We all fall short of the Glory of God and anyone here sitting in judgment doesn't have the heart of God in them. Repent and do the work God instructed you to do. And by the way, in my bible God's people are victorious so who cares about the rest…

  11. Well well well...all I will say to all those seeing Beyonce and jay z as innocent go do some research in depth research and u'll find your answers. We r not stupid OK,they are there making sudden success and fame and all the sudden success comes with a change in their kind of music and them flashing symbols they didn't use previously and you tell me they are innocent? Look here,whether or not we believe it,these are the end times and just as it was predicted it will be so it is coming to pass your eyes people,its not against blacks or whoever,this is real and if you are not careful u,ll get caught up in it all.if u don't listen to Beyonce or rihanna I believe u won't die. Let's just get real OK,if signs aren't what to go by then I am sorry I don't know what yardsticks to use.

    1. Not listening to all these music won't remove anything from us,and y can't we for once listen to stuff that won't reduce us,music in those days weren't this way and no one accused anyone of anything,if they belonged to any cults @ that time,well they kept it out of their music.if these people have sold their souls at least they have fame and money to show for it,why drag us down to hell with them when we don't even have what they sold their souls for...why should we loose on earth and loose wise pple

  12. Ok, you just have to be black. Usually black people think that everything about Africa is in the same time about BLACK PEOPLE. You all can't be proud of ancien Egypt history because it does not concern you! Egyptians were not black, also not European and Arabian. The things you can be proud of are at least living in the mud hut and breeding cattle. Or ending the era of slavery. You should stop taking other cultures's credits, seriously. Enough said.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Is funny to me how so many African American are so interesting in African ancestors that I wish someone can tell them the danger they are getting themselves and generation into. I am an African I have lived and experience trust me when I say Orisha or whatever gods u refer to in your write up never gives anything for free. There is always a price to pay when a person involves his or herself into the old religion that is why as a Christian I don't judge, compare or condemn anyone. I see it to be wrong even the great Fela who was the founder of Afro beat separated his music from his spiritual life. So if using symbols and art is what makes Beyonce express herself in music that is fine but using it to influence youth is not good because music is a spirit that is very powerful.

    1. Problem is you all don't get it. This is very real!! All the signs are here. Revalations

  15. All i know is that she is an amazing singer and her net worth is huge and she deserves it.
